Programme de prématuration du Pôle universitaire d’innovation de l’Alliance Sorbonne Université
  • Sorbonne University Alliance

The Sorbonne University Alliance, winner of the 2023 "University Innovation Clusters" call for proposals

The Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, have launched a call for proposals called France 2030. This national call for projects is designed to strengthen and accelerate innovation in territorial ecosystems through the establishment of University Innovation Clusters (PUI). As of Monday, July 10, the Sorbonne University Alliance (ASU) is one of 24 consortia whose PUI projects have been selected. ASU will receive funding of 9 million euros.

Already accredited as a pilot PUI in 2021, over the past two years the Sorbonne University Alliance has strengthened the coordination of the cluster's players in support of innovation development.

This experimental phase has made it possible to set up a cluster with:

  • Flexible, responsive governance
  • Coordination of the various innovation support mechanisms of the co-founders
  • New ante-creation entrepreneurship support mechanisms, particularly for researchers (myStartup Program)
  • Redeployment and reinforcement of the pre-startup support provided by the Alliance

The funding obtained by PUI ASU will enable it to:

  1. Enhance its operational efficiency, by making innovation support tools more transparent, providing support adapted to all types of project and developing centralized management tools.
  2. Consolidate the flow of innovative projects, by recruiting expert staff exclusively dedicated to the development of collaborations and transfer, strengthening and opening up prematurity by theme, aligning projects earlier with market expectations, and developing entrepreneurial awareness and support for all members of the community.
  3. Develop greater interfaces with society by supporting the potential of Paris Parc, with the ambition of becoming a sustainable part of the Parisian ecosystem as a benchmark site for partnership relations between research and the socio-economic world, both in France and internationally.


Les 29 lauréats

24 projets confirmés Chef de file Financement alloué (en M€)
BLUEBOX Université de Bretagne Occidentale                   4
Campus InnoV Université de Rennes                   7
FITInnovE UGA                  10
Innovation Alliance Université Paris-Saclay Université Paris-Saclay                  11
IP3 (IP CUBE) Institut Polytechnique de Paris                 5,7
Le PUI de Montpellier Université de Montpellier (pilote)                 6,5
LOIRE VALLEY INNOV Université de Tours                    4
L-VoRTEKS Université de Lille                    4
Med’Innov Université Côte d'Azur                 7,5
OpenCampusInnov La Rochelle Université                    3
P.U.I Normandie Normandie Université (pilote)                    4
POLARIS Université Lorraine                  5,7
Pôle PSL Innovation PSL                   11
PREDICT ComUE Angers-Le Mans                     3
PUI CAP I-TERR Université Clermont Auvergne (pilote)                     4
PUI ASU Sorbonne Université (pilote)                     9
PUI Nantes Université Nantes Université                  6,2
PUI Provence Aix Marseille Université                     6
PUI@Bordeaux Université de Bordeaux                  5,8
PUI-A Université de Strasbourg (pilote)                  8,5
Sud Aquitaine Innovation Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour                  5,5
Université Toulouse Innovation Université de Toulouse                  7,5
VALIOTECH Université de La Réunion                     3
Valo Cité Université Paris Cité                     6

5 projets en phase d’amorçage 

Cytransfer                                       CY Cergy Paris Université          2,5
IMPULSE                                       ComUE Université de Lyon          2,5
InnoRem                                       Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne          2,5
PUI-BFC                                       Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté          2,5
Seville                                       ComUE Paris-Est          2,5